What if you knew more than which products a customer has been looking at or purchasing recently? What if you knew their motivations and which messaging made them decide and purchase? What if you knew…
In this data-driven world, marketing technology has made it easier for us marketers to identify, target, and engage both suspects and prospects that are likely to make the best customers. We can reach a large…
Do your eyes get blurry when you’re standing in the pharmaceutical aisle trying to decide which product is right for you? Mine do. During my last shopping trip I encountered 34 options for toothpaste, 93…
Today's consumers suffer from choice overload. They expect interactive purchase decision support and recommendations from brands and retailers, says report. Who would have predicted that the internet could make some things less convenient? Don’t get…
It turns out that 1976 was quite a year for enterprise and innovation in the US. While a young Steve Jobs was founding the Apple Computer Company in his garage in California, Richard Burke was…
In the age of the informed customer, you are not only up against your fiercest competitor, but more importantly, you’re up against the multiple sources that shoppers consult during their decision-making processes. Google's Zero Moment…
If you’re a longtime reader of this blog, you may have noticed that we emphasize the importance of a seamless, personalized customer experience across all touch points. Zeroing in on customer experience has a couple…
“Frictionless Shopping” provides users with a seamless, streamlined shopping experience that doesn't require the user to think too much, otherwise known as reducing a user’s cognitive load (Larry Brangwyn, Head of User Experience at UX…
In years past, Faceted Search has been the most effective way of narrowing down huge product listings to a select few results based on specific qualities. However, while they can be quite useful, there are some…
On the Amazon Effect, winning in B2B ecommerce, and the mid-market playbook
Jason Nyhus of Shopware and James Novak discuss missed ecommerce opportunities, how top businesses excel online, and why Amazon shouldn’t be your benchmark.