
Understanding the five stages of the consumer buying process helps businesses keep customers engaged and satisfied.
The 5 Stages of the Consumer Decision Making Process
In 1968, marketers Engel, Blackwell and Kollat outlined the customer purchase decision process in five steps. And you know what? Decades later the five-step explanation to the customer purchase decision question is still the most…
Decisions Are Emotional. The 8 Emotional States That Influence Purchase Decisions
We tend to believe that our decisions are based on a rational or analytical processing of our options. We like to believe that we’re in control, that our assessments lead us to making the right…
Arrows pointing different ways
How Guided Selling Supports the Shopper Decision-Making Process
Today, most purchase decisions are reached on the Internet. Whenever shoppers have a need or want, the majority hops on the Internet first, to look for useful information and advice on products that meet their requirements. Considering…