The B2B digital commerce market continues to experience record growth, in 2021 B2B manufacturers saw an 18.4% increase in sales on digital channels. In fact, that growth rate is 1.45 times greater than the growth…
With conferences back in full swing, Zoovu joined SAP as a co-exhibitor at DMEXCO 2022 in Cologne, Germany. DMEXCO, short for Digital Marketing& Experience Conference, is Europe’s leading digital marketing conference focused on creating a…
“Show me, don’t tell me”—that’s the modern B2B sales cycle in a nutshell. Especially when it comes to software purchases, closing deals depends less on the salesperson making a charismatic pitch and more on their…
On the Amazon Effect, winning in B2B ecommerce, and the mid-market playbook
Jason Nyhus of Shopware and James Novak discuss missed ecommerce opportunities, how top businesses excel online, and why Amazon shouldn’t be your benchmark.