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Cognitive Search: 5 Reasons It’s a Must-have for Digital Commerce

Cognitive Search: 5 Reasons It’s a Must-have for Digital Commerce

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Cognitive Search: 5 Reasons It’s a Must-have for Digital Commerce

The more data you have, the better. 

But is this statement true? 

Here’s the reality. 

Too much data can sometimes become a liability.

Wait! But how is that possible? 

According to Forrester, more than half of global information workers are frequently interrupted from their work. 

The reason? 

Time spent in databases trying to get access to information or insights that impact their work. 

The reality is that old keyword-based enterprise search engines are obsolete. 

So, how can ecommerce businesses ensure that information isn’t a liability in the long run?

By using cognitive search. 

Cognitive search has become a critical element for the success of digital commerce. 

Many vendors have now stepped up to support ecommerce businesses and contribute to their success. And Zoovu is one of the few to be featured in Forrester’s 2021 Now Tech: Cognitive Search report. 


Let’s dive in. 

Cognitive Search 101 Explained

When it comes to data and information, accuracy and relevance make all the difference.

The right keywords and key phrases don’t necessarily guarantee that you’ll find the information you need fast. With so much data available, and more being created, it isn’t easy to extract relevant data. 

This explains why cognitive search is so critical, especially for digital commerce.

Cognitive search is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and targets to deliver contextual information that’s highly relevant to a specific user’s request. 

According to Forrester, cognitive search is defined as next-generation search engine software that employs AI technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) to ingest, understand, organize, and query digital content from multiple data sources. 

The objective is to enable humans to find answers, content, or insights from a large source of information.  

Cognitive Search and Ecommerce

Cognitive digital commerce search helps e-commerce convert customers. 

How does it do this? 

Vendors in this segment focus on using search to help digital shoppers find products and other shopping-related content. Shopping-related content includes reviews or specialty content such as style tips and recipes. 

Some digital commerce search vendors also provide search focused on customer self-service tasks such as product-related queries. 

Digital commerce platforms specifically provide functionality for merchandising professionals to align search results with their digital commerce operation goals. 

Many solutions in this space use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to provide personalized results driven from a customer’s central view, streamline navigation, and optimize product merchandising across the sites and mobile apps.

How cognitive search gives a 360 view of both customers and content

In simple terms, a cognitive search is aligned with users more naturally. It provides a 360-degree view of the user’s journey and their past interactions to personalize the experience.

Still not convinced? 

Let’s explore the benefits of cognitive search for your business. 

5 Benefits of Cognitive Search – A Must-Have for Your Business

#1: Penetrate Extensive Data Sources

Data is valuable to every business. However, no matter how much data a business may have, it’s no good if you can’t find it. 

Cognitive search enables businesses to extract information buried within large data sources quickly. Moreover, information is extracted more accurately, effectively unlocking the potential value of large, previously daunting databases.

This process saves time while enhancing business process efficiency. 

Time is indeed money. 

#2: Access Relevant and Accurate Information

Natural language processing helps cognitive search tools better understand the intent of the search query. It also helps the system gauge the relevance of text content like emails, blogs, and other written documents, as well as media content like videos and audio recordings. 

This process helps a search engine do more in-depth research and come up with relevant information.

#3: Improve User Experience and Engagement

Cognitive search doesn’t just make it easier for business employees such as sales agents to find valuable information and make more intelligent choices.

Cognitive search can also optimize digital shopping experiences

Maximizing engagement and conversion of both organic and paid traffic is the ultimate goal of every commerce site. 

See Also

A cognitive search function can create a more effective, streamlined, and satisfying user experience. One of the biggest turn-offs for potential customers is a site that’s difficult to navigate or doesn’t give the search results they expect. 

cognitive search improves user engagement
Canadian home retailer, Linen Chest, uses digital commerce search experiences to engage with shoppers.

Including a cognitive search function that accurately directs them to content based on their intent makes a huge difference – especially in jargon-heavy industries.

Cognitive search can boost findability and conversion and personalize via channels to help drive revenue dollars and customer satisfaction. 

#4: Boost The Enterprise’s IQ.

Companies can derive deeper customer insights from customer search queries to better empower customer service, sales, and marketing activities.

Also, cognitive search helps ecommerce businesses in the onboarding and upskilling process of their employees. This can save labor hours and increase efficiency. It is also possible to quickly identify areas of improvement. 

A skilled customer service team is essential to the success of an ecommerce business.

With the correct information, workers are more productive, make fewer mistakes and better decisions, and adapt faster to new roles. 

#5: Personalized recommendations

Cognitive search helps make information personal. 

Cognitive search employs AI technologies to understand and organize information and leverage user profiles, context, and history to determine a user’s query better and question. 

For example, cognitive search can support chatbots tailor conversations to each user. These search-aided bots can identify the customer intent, mine search data, and previous interactions to deliver engaging and practical answers. 

Digital assistants for customer support agents can also use cognitive search. 

Your customer support team can quickly send responses to customers. Users’ previous histories and usage patterns can be factored into each new query, better learning their preferences and interests to recommend content that is more likely to be relevant.

The result? More personalized and tailored results and answers for the user. 

Let the experts help

It’s only a matter of time.

Ultimately, cognitive search will be the foundation of successful digital commerce.

Not only does cognitive search improve customer experience, but it also enhances your sales and customer support team’s efficiency. 

What does that mean? More sales and revenue. 

So let the experts help. Keep your peace of mind. 

Partner with Zoovu today and experience world-class service.