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10 examples of great ecommerce product pages to inspire you

10 examples of great ecommerce product pages to inspire you

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10 examples of great ecommerce product pages to inspire you

Product detail pages (PDPs) are where most customers decide to buy a product. But there’s isn’t a lot of differentiation between one site and another. In fact, over 71% of brands use the same seven elements to design their products page:

7 elements to design product pages across brands graph

It’s easy to see why 89% of customers struggle to find the products they need in this sea of sameness. It’s also a big reason why most companies don’t rise above the 3% conversion rate that everyone else hits.

With so much at stake for ecommerce brands, we decided to go hunting for the best parts of the best PDPs. After analyzing over 100 product pages, we found 10 standout examples you can use as inspiration to improve the user experience and drive sales.

1. Nikon

Big takeaway: Show, don’t tell

Nikon’s PDPs emphasize visuals rather than lengthy text descriptions. The page showcases the lens’s capabilities with stunning images, allowing customers to see the product in action. This visual-first approach is particularly effective for photography products, where seeing is believing. By giving visuals the spotlight, Nikon ensures that potential buyers can easily envision the product’s performance.

Nikon advertising

2. Ruggable

Big takeaway: Translate product specifications into useful information

Ruggable excels in translating technical specifications into easy-to-understand benefits. Their PDPs use images and videos to help customers choose the right size, color, and type of rug. Instead of overwhelming customers with jargon, Ruggable provides clear and helpful information that aids in decision-making.

Ruggable advertising

3. Patagonia

Big takeaway: Take as much guesswork out of shopping as possible 

Patagonia goes beyond the typical model shots by showing their jackets on people of different shapes and sizes. This inclusivity helps potential buyers better understand how the product will fit and look on them. It’s a powerful way to increase buyer confidence and reduce return rates, especially for high-ticket items like outdoor gear.

Patagonia advertising

4. The North Face

Big takeaway: Use social proof to create a sense of community

The North Face uses customer photos to create a sense of community and bolster social proof. Their PDPs display pictures from actual customers using the backpack, which not only builds trust but also connects the product to real-life adventures. This strategy taps into the authenticity that consumers crave, making the product more relatable and desirable.

The North Face advertising

5. Trek

Big takeaway: Know your audience

Trek’s approach to product pages varies based on the product’s target audience. For example, the PDP for the Verve 1 Disc (a beginner-friendly bike) avoids technical jargon, instead highlighting benefits and use cases. In contrast, the product page for the Domane SLR 6 Gen 4 (designed for cycling enthusiasts) features favorable reviews from well-known publications, catering to more knowledgeable readers.

Trek advertising

6. Lush

Big takeaway: Find ways to turn the mundane into the magical

Reading a list of ingredients is usually a surefire way to put someone to sleep. But not with Lush. The cosmetic and skincare brand excels at turning pedestrian product details into information that is both useful and engaging. Instead of just listing ingredients, Lush explains what each component does for the skin. This transparency helps customers make informed choices based on their specific needs and preferences.

Lush advertising

7. Officeworks

Big takeaway: Lean into AI for personalization

Consumers crave personalization–73% of them expect brands to understand their unique needs, according to a report by Salesforce. Unfortunately, personalization is difficult. In fact, only 16% of brands have any form of personalization on their PDPs. AI is one way to unlock personalization at scale and Officeworks is proof. It uses generative AI to explain exactly why a product is a perfect match for shoppers. It also allows customers to ask questions about the product and get answers instantly.

See Also

Officeworks advertising

8. DICK’s Sporting Goods

Big takeaway: Guide your customers to the right product

We’re cheating a little here since this isn’t a product page, but the way DICK’s gets customers to the right page. But DICK’s Running Shoe Assistant highlights the value of guiding shoppers to the right product, which builds trust and increases the chance of conversion. Bonus points for DICK’s for asking needs-based questions on their product finder instead of it being a fancy filtering tool.

DICK’s Sporting Goods running shoe finder

9. Warby Parker

Big takeaway: Always keep the user experience at the forefront

Interact elements on product pages aren’t new. Neither are virtual try-ons. But what makes Warby Parker great is that its try-on feature is both easy to do (it took less than 10 seconds to do) and it doesn’t sacrifice the user experience. You can change colors, bookmark the page, or add glasses to your cart from within the experience. Increasing engagement and reducing friction is a formula for conversion.

Warby Parker online eye glasses experience

10. Lovevery

Big takeaway: Don’t underestimate education

Lovevery uses video to give an in-depth preview of the product and educate their target audience–parents looking to help their children play and learn at the same time. This strategy transforms what could be seen as a simple set of toys into moments of joy, wonder, and development for children. And it turns Lovevery from a company selling toys to experts that parents can rely on.

Lovevery Babbler Play Kit

Optimize the last mile of the shopping journey

These 10 product pages show that effective PDPs blend clarity, visual appeal, and personalized content. By incorporating these strategies, you can create product pages that not only inform but also inspire and reassure your customers. Whether through enhanced visuals, user-generated content, or clear benefits, these best practices from leading brands can help you optimize your ecommerce site for better conversions and customer satisfaction.