As physical stores shut for lockdown and consumers moved to online shopping, retailers were forced to escalate their shift to ecommerce. They understand the game is changing rapidly. And they know, to survive and thrive,…
There’s no going back. Global events such as the pandemic changed market dynamics emphasizing the fact that eCommerce is the future. As an Ecommerce business, you shouldn’t take effective on-site search capability for granted. It…
It’s common that consumers choose to shop online for its convenience. But as eCommerce continues to thrive and more options are available, they now also prioritize discovery. According to Kantar’s The State of Ecommerce 2021…
Have you ever landed on an ecommerce website and thought to yourself “they must know this is terrible? Right?” Or alternatively, a site that is well-organized, easy to navigate, but the product pages were underwhelming…
The success of your ecommerce platform hinges entirely on offering a convenient and expedient user experience. However, messy data can get in the way. Seemingly trivial inconsistencies like not having naming conventions or tags can…
Focus on the big things. That sounds like great advice, right? Until it isn’t. You’ve probably spent time and money on the ‘big things’ like a well-designed website. What’s more, you consistently spend money on…
It doesn’t make sense. You spent months preparing for relaunching your ecommerce store. You even paid boatloads of cash to various professionals to get your website right. You had high expectations. Except, you can’t seem…
On the Amazon Effect, winning in B2B ecommerce, and the mid-market playbook
Jason Nyhus of Shopware and James Novak discuss missed ecommerce opportunities, how top businesses excel online, and why Amazon shouldn’t be your benchmark.